Sunday, December 11, 2011

The dualities, The paradoxes! My theory of evolution and existential illusions

Wish I could use mathematics to explain this and I hope one day I can, but I will try the same by using the semantics – keep in mind that the meaning of the semantic terms herein aren’t as definite as mathematics so use the best of you comprehensive skills to imagine the same mathematically.
All the matter in this universe and therefore all its constructs though are all distinct in its gross forms of manifestations, the very abstract of it all is very dualistic in nature. The dualities are both a part of the same universe! And exist endlessly with subtle balance between them and or bringing themselves from a constant state of volatility to a state of equilibrium where both are evened out and or are in space in a free form.

And this state of constant mobility between each other, causes the life to transition form one phase to many other phases. Transition therefore is the sort of default characteristic of the matter and the universe, and therefore life in all its forms.

When in a free form in space, these dualities that are opposite to each other in all its characteristics tend to be in state of movement fueled by the inherent energies in them and thereby of that in the universe.

Though the absolute is fully balanced, any cross section of the absolute space tends to have a random sample of dualities in varied degrees derived from its absolute.

These variations which are in conflict with each other cause that section of the universe to manifest a matter that is trying to tend to its natural state of balance ( which is the absolute). The matter again is inherently dualistic and will at one point of time, again be in the space in its free form.

While in the process of achieving its natural state of free form balance, there is a spectacular maxing out of these dualities within the given scale of the cross section. It would completely tend to its extremes to be in either of its dual forms and therefore then the matter would relieve itself out of such a cross section

Any given cross section would have all the potentials to achieve this state of free form, but I have to understand more what causes a few to max out or what factors could cause those few to outpace while the rate of change in others is still at a slower pace.

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